If you have a dog or a cat coming into an Australian airport and need to arrange the customs clearance please complete the pet clearance form on the below button
If you have a dog or a cat arriving from New Zealand, we can streamline the process and arrange the customs clearance so all you need to do it turn up at Dnata or Qantas (depending on airline) and collect your dog or cat.
For a SAC clearance (Value under AUD $1000) there is no ICS or GST payable however if you paid over $1000 for the animal you will need to get a full import declaration please contact us for a quote. We provide this service 24hours a day 7 days a week to give you piece of mind and less stress on your pet.
As per the Australian Border force website
Import declaration
An Import Declaration is required if the value of the animal(s) exceeds AUD1000 and is not considered a pet arriving as a UPE.
Duty, taxes and other charges might also be payable, regardless of whether the animal is to become a pet or is a commercial animal.
Your declaration should be made before the animal arrives in Australia to minimise any delays in clearance.
Self-Assessed Clearance (SAC) Declaration
A SAC Declaration is required if the value of the animal(s) is at or below AUD 1000.
No duty or GST is payable.
Your declaration should be made before the animal arrives in Australia to minimise any delays in clearance.
For more information see: Declarations for imported goods
New Zealand – step by step guide for cats and dogs
On 1 March 2023 we will be implementing revised import conditions for dogs and cats. The guide below reflects the revised import conditions. If your cat or dog will be imported to Australia prior to 1 March 2023 you will need to refer to your health certificate or import permit if applicable for the relevant import conditions. See more about changes to rabies virus requirements for live dog and cat imports. We will contact permit holders and applicants directly to advise how this affects you.
Cats and dogs coming to Australia from New Zealand do not require an import permit. There is no Australian post entry quarantine period.
Cats and dogs coming to Australia from New Zealand do not require an import permit however, import conditions apply.
- The conditions on the required health certification take precedence over any other source of information. This step-by-step guide explains what you must do to prepare your animal for export; it is not a substitute for the health certification.
- Cats and dogs must comply with all conditions on the health certification.
- Failure to comply with the conditions on the health certification may result in the animal being (at your cost):
- moved to and held in post entry quarantine
- subject to additional testing
- exported
- euthanased
- A registered veterinarian must perform all veterinary procedures listed below.
- There is no mandatory quarantine period for cats and dogs from New Zealand.
Step 1: Contact the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries Timeframe: Before starting the export process
Contact the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries to find out:
- which veterinarians and laboratories are approved to prepare your cat or dog for export
- if New Zealand has any requirements in addition to those stated on this webpage
The department recommends that you take this information to your government approved veterinarian or pet transport agent to help you understand the requirements.
Step 2: General eligibility
- Cats and dogs must have been continuously resident in New Zealand since birth or direct importation from Australia or for 180 days immediately before the date of export if it has been imported into New Zealand from any other country.
- Cats and dogs must not be under quarantine restrictions at the time of export.
- Cats and dogs must not be more than 40 days pregnant nor be suckling young at the time of export.
- Cats and dogs must be at least eight (8) weeks old at the time of export.
- Microchip numbers starting with 999 are not acceptable because they are not unique.
Cat breeds
- In accordance with the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, domestic/non domestic animal hybrids are not eligible for import. Hybrid cats include, but are not limited to:
- Savannah cat, domestic cat (Felis catus) crossed with serval cat (Felis serval)
- Safari cat, domestic cat crossed with Geoffroy cat (Oncifelis geoffroyi)
- Chausie, domestic cat crossed with Jungle cat (Felis chaus)
- Bengal cat, domestic cat crossed with Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis).
Note – in certain circumstances, the Department may permit the import of Bengal cats that are five generations or more removed from their wild ancestor. If you plan to import a Bengal cat, please contact Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water at to confirm your cat satisfies the requirements before you apply for an import permit.
Dog breeds
- Domestic/non- domestic hybrids (e.g. wolf-dog crosses) are not eligible for import. This includes, but not limited to:
- Czechoslovakian wolfdog or Czechoslovakian Vlcak
- Saarloos wolfdog or Saarloos wolfhound
- Lupo Italiano or Italian wolfdog
- Kunming wolfdog or Kunming dog.
Please contact the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water at for more information on hybrid animals and reproductive material/specimens.
- In accordance with the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956, the following pure breeds cannot be imported to Australia:
- dogo Argentino
- fila Brasileiro
- Japanese Tosa
- Pit Bull Terrier or American Pit Bull
- Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario.
For more information on prohibited dog breeds, contact the Department of Home Affairs on +61 2 6264 1111 or 131 881 (within Australia).
Step 3: Permission to import
An import permit is not required.
The exporter must sign a Statutory Declaration that:
- identifies the cat/dog by breed, sex, age and microchip number
- verifies that the cat/dog has been continually resident in New Zealand since birth or direct importation from Australia, or for the 180 days immediately before the date of export if the animal has been imported into New Zealand from any other country
- verifies that the cat/dog is not derived from a domestic/non-domestic hybrid and that a dog is not a prohibited breed
- verifies that if a female cat or dog, the animal is not more than 40 days pregnant or suckling young at the time of export
- states whether the dog has ever been to mainland Africa.
Step 4: Health certificate requirements
The animal must be accompanied by a health certificate agreed between Australia and the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries. The health certificate must be an original document, and copies will not be accepted.
The health certificate must certify that:
- the animal has been identified by a microchip
- New Zealand is free from rabies
- the animal was examined within five (5) days before the date export and found to be fit to travel
- the animal was treated for external and internal parasites within five (5) days before the date of export.
There are two versions of health certificates which may be issued for animals exported from New Zealand to Australia:
- A pre-printed export certificate (AUPET9) completed and issued by a Private Veterinarian designated by the Ministry for Primary Industries
- An official assurance certificate (AUPETOA9) completed and issued by a Ministry for Primary Industries Official Veterinarian
Check the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries’ Cats and Dogs to Australia Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMAR) and website to determine which type of health certificate your pet requires for import to, or travel via, Australia.
Dogs only
The health certificate must also certify that:
- canine brucellosis (Brucella canis), leptospirosis (Leptospira canicola) and leishmaniosis (Leishmania infantum) have not been confirmed in New Zealand during the 12 months before the date of export
- the dog has always lived in New Zealand since birth or importation from Australia (provide the NZ MPI approved veterinarian with evidence to this effect). If the dog has not lived only in New Zealand since birth or import from Australia, you must present the NZ MPI approved veterinarian with:
- a negative test result (IFAT or ELISA) for Leishmania infantum.
These tests must be done after the dog has resided in New Zealand for a minimum of 21 days. This testing remains valid only if the dog is continuously resident in New Zealand from the sampling date until export to Australia.
Dogs that have ever been to mainland Africa must be treated by a government approved veterinarian while resident in New Zealand for Babesia canis with imidocarb dipropionate either:
- as one treatment at 7.5 mg/kg bodyweight via subcutaneous or intramuscular injection OR
- two treatments at 6 mg/kg bodyweight via subcutaneous or intramuscular injection given two weeks apart.
Where the dog is not treated in New Zealand a copy of the certification of the treatment must be endorsed by the MPI and accompany the dog to Australia.
Step 5: Travel to Australia
- The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry does not place any restrictions on the airline you choose. However, the animal must travel as manifested cargo (not in the cabin) and in an International Air Transport Association (IATA) approved crate for cats or dog.
- The department accepts no responsibility for cats or dogs that escape en route.
- All transport costs are at the importer’s expense.
- Assistance dogs may travel with their handler in the cabin, at the discretion of the airline.
Step 6: Clearance on arrival
- All import conditions must be met, including the need for documentation to bear the original signature of a veterinarian approved by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (documents may only be endorsed following all treatments, tests and examinations)
- All health certification and relevant documentation must travel to Australia with the cat or dog.
- Notify the department at least three (3) days before the animal arrives by emailing the regional office in the state/territory in which the cat or dog will first arrive in Australia.
Regional Office | |
Australian Capital Territory | ACT Rego Office |
New South Wales | CER Animal Imports |
Victoria | SE Animal and VIC Controller |
Queensland | QLD Live Animal Imports |
South Australia | SA Live Animal Imports |
Western Australia | WA Live Animal Imports |
Northern Territory | NT Live Animal Imports and NT Airport Controller |
Tasmania | TAS Controller |
General inquiry: 1800 900 090 or + 61 3 8318 6700 (from outside Australia)
For more office locations visit: Office locations
- Your email must include:
- the date and estimated time of arrival
- the flight number
- the air waybill number
- a short description of your cat or dog
- a contact phone number in Australia or New Zealand
- the address at which the cat or dog will stay in Australia
- whether the dog is an assistance dog.
- Cats and dogs must be cleared at the first port of arrival in Australia.
- Allow at least one (1) hour for the cat or dog to be released by airline cargo and cleared by the department. Connecting flights must not leave within one hour of the animal arriving in Australia.
- Lack of original health certificates and related documentation will result in your pet’s clearance being delayed.
- If your cat or dog is to connect with a domestic flight you will have to arrange for it to be moved from the international to the domestic terminal. Animal transport agents/pet shippers can help you with this. The International Pet and Animal Transportation Association website has a list of pet shippers.
- You will be charged for the time taken to assess the documentation that accompanies your animal to Australia. Details of the department’s fees can be found in the charging guidelines . Please contact the relevant state/territory office to determine the fees for clearing your cat or dog.
- Fees are usually collected by the airline carrying your animal. The payment should appear on the air waybill. The department then invoices the airline to recover the fees. If the air waybill has not incorporated these fees the department will require payment before releasing your animal.
Step 7: On arrival in Australia
- A biosecurity officer will check the cat or dog to verify that all details match the import certification.
- If acceptable, the animal will be released from biosecurity control. If not, additional documents may be requested and/or the animal may be subject to treatment, export or euthanasia.
Animal Customs Clearance
We can assist you step by step to ensure there is no stress on your end, all you need to do is turn up to collect your animal.