What is a free trade agreement?
When importing goods into Australia from certain countries, you may be eligible to use a FREE TRADE AGREEMENT, giving you preferential duty rates mainly duty free.
There are several countries which have Free trade agreements and some of the main free trade agreements are below, for more information please go directly to the DFAT website which has up to date information for each free trade, there are links below to DFAT for more specific information.
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Brunei Darussalam
- Laos
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Indonesia
- Cambodia
The AANZFTA was signed on 27 February 2009, you will need to read through the FTA text (click here for rules of Origin) to see if your goods are eligible and the duty rate, you will require a valid free trade certificate issued by the governing body in the exporting country along with the rest of your paperwork to claim preferential rates on import.
- Chile
The Australia- Chile FTA came into force on 06 March 2009, (please click here for the rules of origin) to see if your goods are eligible for duty free status. You will be required to hold a valid free trade certificate issued by the governing body in Chile along with your other commercial documents in order to claim preferential status on import.
- China
The China Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) came into force on 20 December 2015. Please click here for the rules of origin and to see if your goods are Eligible, You will be required to hold a valid free trade certificate issued by the governing body in China along with your other commercial documents in order to claim preferential status on import.
JAEPA (Japan-Australia Free Trade)
- Japan
The Japan Australia free Trade Agreement (JAEPA) entered into force on 15 January 2015. Please click here for the rules of origin and to see if your goods are Eligible, You will required to hold a valid free trade certificate issued by the governing body in Japan along with your other commercial documents in order to claim preferential status on import.
- Korea
The Korea Australia free Trade Agreement (KAFTA) entered into force on 12 December 2014. Please click here for the rules of origin and to see if your goods are Eligible, You will be required a valid free trade certificate issued by the governing body/ Authorised company in Korea along with your other commercial documents in order to claim preferential status on import.
- Malaysia
The Malaysia- Australia Free trade agreement entered into force on 1 January 2013. Please click here for the rules of origin and to see if your goods are Eligible, You will be required to have a valid free trade certificate issued by the governing body in Malaysia along with your other commercial documents in order to claim preferential status on import.
- New Zealand
The Trade in Services Protocol brought services into ANZCERTA from January 1989 allowing most services to be traded free of restriction across the Tasman with limited exclusions which were last reviewed 2014. Please click here for the rules of origin and to see if your goods are Eligible, You will required a valid free trade certificate along with your other commercial documents in order to claim preferential status on import.
- Singapore
The Singapore- Australia Free trade agreement entered into force on 28 July 2003. Please click here for the rules of origin and to see if your goods are Eligible, You will be required to have a valid free trade certificate issued by the governing body in Singapore along with your other commercial documents in order to claim preferential status on import.
- Thailand
The Thailand- Australia Free trade agreement entered into force on 1 January 2005. Please click here for the rules of origin and to see if your goods are Eligible, You will be required to have a valid free trade certificate issued by the governing body in Thailand along with your other commercial documents in order to claim preferential status on import.
- United States of America
The United States- Australia free trade agreement entered into force1 January 2005 (please click here for the rules of origin) and to see if your goods are Eligible, You will be required to have a valid free trade certificate to prove US origin at time of import along with the rest of your commercial documents.